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pmc — Safety


Surgical Errors Too Common 0

Unthinkable errors by doctors and surgeons—such as amputating the wrong leg or removing organs from the wrong patient—occur more frequently than previously believed, a new study suggests. Over a period of 6.5 years, doctors in Colorado alone operated on the…
  • Professional Medical
  • Tags: News Safety

The Cost of Crash Diets 0

You have a week to fit into that dress, and five pounds (O.K., 10) to drop. The plan? If you were a Hollywood star, you might eat nothing but baby food or grapefruit until then, or forgo meals in favor of…

Prevent Falls in the Home 0

Ah yes, home. The place where you can chill out, relax, unwind. But your home can be more hazardous than you think. Nearly 8 million people are injured in falls every year, either in or outside the home, according to…

Monitoring Devices Help Elderly Stay at Home 0

In the wee hours of July 14, Elizabeth Roach, a 70-year-old widow, got out of bed and went to the living room of her Virginia ranch home. She sat in her favorite chair for 15 minutes, then returned to bed.…

15 Natural Depression Treatments 0

By R. Morgan Griffin WebMD FeatureReviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MDWhile therapy and medication are key in controlling depression, there’s also a lot you can do on your own to fight back. Making changes to your own behavior — your physical…

Most Dangerous Day For Your Heart 0

December 26 is historically one of the most dangerous days of the year for people vulnerable to cardiac problems, including heart attacks, arrhythmias, and heart failure. And many of these so-called Merry Christmas coronaries will hit people who didn’t even…

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