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pmc — Travel


How the Government Shutdown Impacts You 0


With the partial shutdown of nine governmental departments, over 400,000 government employees will work without pay.

Great Places to See – Bellingham 0

With summer temperatures finally heating up there is no better time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful Pacific Northwest. If you are looking for a short distance trip or an overnight excursion the city of Bellingham is just what…

What you should tip while traveling 0

Summer is in full force with many people taking their vacations with their family and friends. Do you ever wonder what you should tip at restaurants, your valet driver, or for room service, etc? AARP.com put together a list of…

New study shows more men than women die of almost every type of cancer 0

It has always been known for years that men die of cancer more often than women, but this is the first that a new study was able to analyze individual cancers and study the sex differences. The journal Cancer Epidemiology,…

Single and Ready to Mingle? 0

Single and ready to mingle you say? Cruise lines hear your call. If you’ve ever travelled alone on a cruise, then you know a thing or two about unfair supplemental fees. Not a couple? You still have to pay like…

Tips for the Solo Adventurer 0

Long before “Eat, Pray, Love” author Elizabeth Gilbert began contemplating the solo journey that would change her life and create a literary blockbuster, June Meineke was dreaming of taking a trip around the world. So when Meineke took an early…

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